Photo: Markus Ruf,
City, 18 x 25cm, oil, acrylic, collage on wooden box
Dance on a plastic ball_1, 18 x 25cm, acrylic, collage on wooden box
Trampolin, 18 x 25cm, acrylic, collage on wooden box
It hurt's, 115 x 175 cm, pencil and acryl on paper
"Non flowers", drawing with pencil, acryl on fine art paper, 130 x 180 cm
Burned_A, 70x 100 cm, photo and black coal, acrylic on fine art paper
Burned_B, 70x 100 cm, photo and black coal, acrylic on fine art paper
Installation view, exhibition room M54
Great point, collage and acrylic on paper, 40 x 50 cm
Connected, acrylic, oil on fine art paper, 115 x 175 cm
White cloud, c-print on fine art paper, 70 x 100 cm
Moon, c-print on fine art paper, 70 x 100 cm
"plastic", acryl, foto on plastic bags, 140 x 190cm
Installation view, photo with acrylic and punching bag
"Trash Flowers", acryl, pencil, spray, packaging material, foto on fine art paper, 130 x 180 cm
Organic, collage, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 160 cm
"Collectors wear diamond shoes", ink, collage, glimmer spray, acrylic on fine art paper, 50x 70 cm
"Fractal_B", collage, pencil, ink on canvas, 140 x 190 cm
"pink", C-print, acryl on fine art paper, 70 x 100 m
"Glamour is my live", pencil on paper, 30 x 40 cm
"We watching you", acryl, pencil, marker, spray, collage on canvas, 110 x 160 cm
"Exhibion view"
"Exhibition view"
"Silver story", foto, marker on silver foil, 120 x 160 cm
"Lost identity" C-Print and oil on fine art paper,
large Picture: 70 x100cm, right picture: 40 x 50, top picture: 30 x 40 cm
"Gute alte Welt" C-Print and oil, pencil on fine art paper, real objects, 110 x 160cm,
Hi, I'm Chris, an artist from Switzerland/Basel.
Welcome to my portfolio and creative space on the web.
If you like my work, please feel free to contact me.
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Mobile +41 (0)79 370 29 20